Variations Register

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The Hunters Hill Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012 sets out development standards for each zone in the local government area.

Clause 4.6 of the Standard Instrument LEP gives Council some flexibility for applying planning controls to certain developments. Council is required to maintain a register of these variations and report all variations to the Department of Planning and Environment on a quarterly basis.

Whilst these developments may not meet certain development standards, they are achieving strict planning objectives set by Council.

Variations to Development Standards Register


Clause 4.6 Variations Report Quarter 1 2023
DA No. Lot / DP / SP Address Development Type Environmental Planning Instrument/ Zoning Standard to be Varied / Extent (%) Justification Authority / Date DA Determined (dd/mm/yyyy)
2022-0178 Lot 18 DP28489  22 Lyndhurst Crescent HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.3 - Height of Buildings / 24% The non-compliant height of the existing dwelling which results in a non-compliant height for any works associated with the existing roof or additions at or below the same height as the existing roof. Council / 17/03/2023
2022-0178 Lot 18 DP28489 22 Lyndhurst Crescent HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 26.67% The proposal results in an increase in landscaped area. Council / 17/03/2023
2022-0178 Lot 18 DP28489 22 Lyndhurst Crescent HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.4 - Floor Space Ratio / 24% The floor space will not be altered and no further bulk and scale issues will therefore result from non-compliance. Council / 17/03/2023
Clause 4.6 Variations Report Quarter 2 2023
DA No. Lot / DP / SP Address Development Type

Environmental Planning Instrument/ Zoning

Standard to be Varied / Extent (%) Justification Authority / Date DA Determined (dd/mm/yyyy)


Clause 4.6 Variations Report Quarter 1 2022
DA No. Lot / DP / SP Address Development Type Environmental Planning Instrument / Zoning Standard to be Varied / Extent (%) Justification Authority / Date DA Determined (dd/mm/yyyy)
2021-1258 Lot 11 / DP703259 2 Woolwich Road HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions  LEP / R2 Clause 4.3 - Height of Buildings / 44% Reinstating cupola on a heritage building Council / 24/02/2022
2021-1258 Lot 11 / DP703259 2 Woolwich Road HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions  LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 1.7% No unreasonable impact on the perceived bulk and scale Council / 24/02/2022
 2021-1198 Lot 6 / DP17829 28 Huntleys Point Road HUNTLEYS POINT NSW 2111 1: Residential - Alterations & additions  LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 52% Betterment to current landscaped area  Council / 31/03/2022
2021-1329 Lot B / DP326716 3 Mount Morris Street WOOLWICH NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions  LEP / R2 Clause 4.3 - Height of Buildings / 3.5% Non-compliance is relatively minor and results from existing non-compliance and the cross fall of the site Council / 31/03/2022
2021-1329 Lot B / DP326716 3 Mount Morris Street WOOLWICH NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions  LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 30.4% Existing non-compliance. Improvements in landscaping visible from the water Council / 31/03/2022
Clause 4.6 Variations Report Quarter 2 2022
DA No. Lot / DP / SP Address Development Type Environmental Planning Instrument/ Zoning Standard to be Varied / Extent (%) Justification Authority / Date DA Determined
2021-1260 Lot B / DP18427 36A Mary Street HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions  LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 2% Minor variation with improvement in streetscape landscaping Council / 26/04/2022
2021-1284  Lot B / DP1070850  30 Alexandra Street HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.3 - Height of Buildings / 12.6% Historical non-compliance Local Planning Panel / 26/05/2022
2021-1243 Lot B / DP403197 8 Euthella Avenue HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.3 - Height of Buildings / 25.7% Historical non-compliance Local Planning Panel / 26/05/2022
2021-1243 Lot B / DP403197 8 Euthella Avenue HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 40.6% Slight betterment to existing non-compliance Local Planning Panel / 26/05/2022
Clause 4.6 Variations Report Quarter 3 2022
DA No. Lot / DP / SP Address Development Type Environmental Planning Instrument/ Zoning Standard to be Varied / Extent (%) Justification Authority / Date DA Determined (dd/mm/yyyy)
2021-1265 Lot A / DP368130 1 Viret Street  HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 6.8% Betterment to the current non-compliance Council / 08/09/2023
2021-1265 Lot A / DP368130 1 Viret Street HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.4 - Floor Space Ratio / 60% Mostly within current footprint Council / 08/09/2023
2022-0002 Lot 21 / DP788894 22-24 Gale Street WOOLWICH NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.3 - Height of Buildings / 28% Consistent with height of existing building Council / 08/09/2022
2021-1181  Lot B and C / DP368130 84 Alexandra Street HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.3 - Height of Buildings / 23.41% Slight betterment to the current non-compliance Council / 08/09/2023
Clause 4.6 Variations Report Quarter 4 2022
DA No. Lot / DP / SP Address Development Type Environmental Planning Instrument/ Zoning Standard to be Varied / Extent (%) Justification Authority / Date DA Determined (dd/mm/yyyy)
2020-1157-Review Lot 4 / DP220924 25B Wybalena Road HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.1 - Lot size /  21.8% The proposal results in one that lot meets the minimum lot size and an increase in total landscaped area for this lot, improving the landscape setting of No. 25B from the waterway. Council / 27/10/2022
2020-1157-Review Lot 4 / DP220924 25B Wybalena Road HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 23.4%  Soft landscaped area for the site will be substantially increased as a result of the proposal, improving the landscaped setting of the development from the waterway.


Council / 27/10/2022
2021-1241  Lot A / DP449899 31 Farnell Street HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 10.02% Proposal is an increase in landscaped area. Council / 27/10/2022
2021-1200 Lot A / DP395468 3 Wybalena Road HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.3 - Height of Buildings / 8.4% Small area, significant slope of land, upper level is recessed to reduce visual impact. Council / 15/11/2022
2021-1200 Lot A / DP395468 3 Wybalena Road HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 1.7% Reduction a direct result of the proposed minor additions to the northern part of the building. That is, the part of the site that is very steep, highly constrained and unusable and does not contribute to the amenity of the dwelling Council / 15/11/2023
 2021-1305 Lot 1 / DP678603 31 Augustine Street HUNTERS HILL 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 4.5% Size and scale of the extension to the rear fits in with the existing character of the surrounding streetscape. Council / 14/11/2022
2022-0093 Lot 1 / DP207655 20 Crescent Street HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 33% Proposal is an increase in landscaped area. Council / 19/12/2022


Clause 4.6 Variations Report Quarter 1 2021
DA No. Lot / DP / SP Address Development Type Environmental Planning Instrument/ Zoning Standard to be Varied / Extent (%) Justification Authority / Date DA Determined
2020-1226 Lot 87 / DP7341 50 Sunnyside Street GLADESVILLE NSW 2111 1: Residential - Alterations & additions


LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 4% Variation slight increase to the landscape provision Delegated Authority / 09/03/2021
Clause 4.6 Variations Report Quarter 2 2021
DA No. Lot / DP / SP Address Development Type Environmental Planning Instrument/ Zoning Standard to be Varied / Extent (%) Justification Authority / Date DA Determined
2020-1083 Lot 1 / DP593504  7 Wybalena Road HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.3 - Height of Buildings

/ 17.6%

The existing heritage building is currently non-complaint with the LEP Height of Buildings (HOB) development standard. This component of the building is not changing. New works are compliant Council / 22/04/2021
2020-1086 Lot 113 / SP7341 115 Victoria Road GLADESVILLE NSW 2111 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.3 - Height of Buildings / 11.8% Variation occurs in relation to parapet on western elevation. Small variation of between 795 mm and 1 metre. The overrun relates to the structure only and does not involve additional habitable residential space and will not result in any view loss, nor will it be obvious from the nearby public domain. Council / 22/04/2021
 2020-1086 Lot 113 / SP7341 115 Victoria Road GLADESVILLE NSW 2111 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.1 - Lot size / 18.5% The site acts as part of the transition from the medium density zoning along Victoria Road and lower density dwellings in Sunnyside St, the variation in lot size is not significant and unlikely to cause any loss, perceived or otherwise, in amenity to nearby residents. Council / 22/04/2021
Clause 4.6 Variations Report Quarter 3 2021
DA No. Lot / DP / SP Address Development Type Environmental Planning Instrument/ Zoning Standard to be Varied / Extent (%) Justification Authority / Date DA Determined
2020-1141 Lot 109 / DP8522203 31 St Malo Avenue HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R3 Clause 4.3(2) - Height of Buildings / 4.2% the structure would not be more than 8.5m above the land either side of the previously excavated driveway ground, that it would not be highly visually apparent and that it would be consistent with the scale and nature of surrounding built form. Council / 01/07/2021
2021-1224-Review Lot 3 / DP545531 28 Martin Street HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 6.79% proposal results in a net neutral change to the overall provision of landscaped area on site. Council / 10/08/2021
2020-1142 Lot 12 / DP29590 2 George Street HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 17% Considering the proposal is for alterations and additions to an existing dwelling, and that the proposal represents an improvement to landscaped area on the site, strict compliance with the control is considered unnecessary Council / 26/08/2021
Clause 4.6 Variations Report Quarter 4 2021
DA No. Lot / DP / SP Address Development Type Environmental Planning Instrument/ Zoning Standard to be Varied / Extent (%) Justification Authority / Date DA Determined (dd/mm/yyyy)
2020-1158 Lot 1 / DP951900 7 Junction Street GLADESVILLE NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 7.7% Proposal maintains character and identity through large individual gardens that surrounds the house Council / 19/10/2021
2021-1118 Lot 501 / DP543019 38A Sherwin Street HENLEY NSW 2111 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.3(2) - Height of Buildings / 5% Historical non-compliance. The proposal does not alter the height of the existing dwelling. Council / 23/11/2021


Clause 4.6 Variations Report Quarter 1 2020
DA No. Lot / DP / SP Address Development Type Environmental Planning Instrument/ Zoning Standard to be Varied / Extent (%) Justification Authority / Date DA Determined (dd/mm/yyyy)
Clause 4.6 Variations Report Quarter 2 2020
DA No. Lot / DP / SP Address Development Type Environmental Planning Instrument/ Zoning Standard to be Varied / Extent (%) Justification Authority / Date DA Determined (dd/mm/yyyy)
2019-1114 Lot 3 / DP832954 33 Le Vesinet Drive HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 6% Variation slight increase to the landscape provision  Development Control Unit / 01/04/2020
2019-1143 Lot 1 / DP418803 3 Jeanneret Avenue HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.3 - Height of Buildings / 2.71% Proposed works are considered acceptable Development Control Unit / 17/06/2020
Clause 4.6 Variations Report Quarter 3 2020
DA No. Lot / DP / SP Address Development Type Environmental Planning Instrument/ Zoning Standard to be Varied / Extent (%) Justification Authority / Date DA Determined
Clause 4.6 Variations Report Quarter 4 2020
DA No. Lot / DP / SP Address Development Type Environmental Planning Instrument/ Zoning Standard to be Varied / Extent (%) Justification Authority / Date DA Determined (dd/mm/yyyy)
2020-1117 Lot B / DP337593 44 Ryde Road HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 6% Variation slight increase to the landscape provision Development Control Unit / 16/12/2020
2020-1085 Lot B / DP372689 4A Herberton Avenue HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / 63.2% Variation slight increase to the landscape provision Local Planning Panel / 17/12/2020


Clause 4.6 Variations Report 2019
DA No. Lot / DP / SP Address Development Type

Environmental Planning Instrument/Zoning

Standard to be Varied / Extent (%) Justification Authority / Date DA Determined (dd/mm/yyyy)
2018-1067 Lot 2 / DP4202 55 Wybalena Road HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.3 - Height of Buildings / - Proposed works are considered acceptable and would have no unreasonable impacts upon the adjoining properties. Local Planning Panel / 21/02/2019
2019-1029 Lot 1 / DP189271 11A Viret Street HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / - Application approved as no unreasonable impacts Council / 23/08/2019


DA No. Lot / DP / SP Address Development Type Environmental Planning Instrument / Zoning Standard to be Varied / Extent (%) Justification Authority / Date DA Determined (dd/mm/yyyy)
2017-1206 Lot A / DP354712 49 Wybalena Road HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / - Variation slight increase to the landscape provision Local Planning Panel / 19/07/2018
2017-1206 Lot A / DP354712 49 Wybalena Road HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.3 - Height of Buildings / - Proposed works are considered acceptable and would have no unreasonable impacts upon the adjoining properties Local Planning Panel / 19/07/2018
2018-1007 Lot Y / DP411923 35A Augustine Street HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / - Variation slight increase to the landscape provision Local Planning Panel / 19/07/2018
2017-1153 Lot 2 / DP593504  5 Wybalena Road HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions LEP / R2 Clause 4.3 - Height of Buildings / - Proposed works are considered acceptable and would have no unreasonable impacts upon the adjoining properties.  Local Planning Panel / 15/11/2018
2018-1057 Lot 7 / DP235043 89 Woolwich Road WOOLWICH NSW 2110 1: Residential - Alterations & additions  LEP / R2 Clause 6.9 - Landscaped Area / - No increase to the landscape provision Council / 15/11/2018