If you have not been able to obtain the information you require through Council’s website or an informal application, you can lodge a Formal Access to Information application.
Before lodging a formal application please consider speaking to our customer service staff or Right to Information Officer about whether the information can be provided under informal release. Informal release of information can be more efficient, flexible and timely.
A formal application is required if you are seeking information that may be:
- commercially or legally sensitive
- personal information of another person
- confidential information.
Applications are determined within 20 working days. We may also extend the decision time by up to 15 working days if we need to consult with a third party or retrieve an archived record.
An application fee of $30 is payable with your application. You may also be asked to pay a charge for processing the application at a rate of $30 per hour. The $30 application fee also counts towards the first hour of processing.
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