Fire Safety
Annual fire safety statement
An annual fire safety statement confirms each essential fire safety measure has been inspected and verified by an accredited practitioner (fire safety) as being capable of performing to a standard no less than that specified in the fire safety schedule. Additionally, it confirms the fire exits are kept clear and the fire safety notices are displayed (where required).
Essential fire safety measure
An essential fire safety measure is any measure listed in the fire safety schedule for the building. Common examples include portable fire extinguishers, exit signs and fire hydrant systems.
Fire safety schedule
A fire safety schedule is a document that lists each of the fire safety measures implemented to protect the building and the required standard of performance. The fire safety schedule deals with the whole building, not only part of a building.
Duties of building owners
The Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021 requires the building owner to:
- submit an annual fire safety statement to Council within 12 months of the previous statement being submitted
- Submit a copy of the fire safety statement to NSW Fire and Rescue
- Display a copy of the fire safety statement in a prominent location within the building.
Failing to submit an annual fire safety statement to Council is an offence and may result in penalties of $1,000 - $4,000. Each week the statement remains overdue is a new offence and may be subject to additional penalties.
Failing to display an annual fire safety statement in a prominent location within the building is an offence and may result in penalties of $580.
Request a copy of a fire safety schedule
The owner of a building may request a copy of the current fire safety schedule from Council.
Apply now
Changes to a fire safety schedule
Most fire safety schedules are issued by private certifiers when the building was constructed or redeveloped. If there is an error with the fire safety schedule, Council can update a fire safety schedule by issuing a fire safety order. This involves a detailed review of the existing building and all costs incurred by Council will be recovered by a compliance cost notice.